Thursday, October 22, 2009


In term 3 and 4 the year 8's have been going to their Music Enrichment or Major Production class. Some of the students that signed up for a Major Production Class go there every Thursday Afternoon. A few of the Major Production Groups are; Mr Sibley's Props Group, Mrs Pearson's Scenery Group, Mrs Nicholson's Fabric Group and the Major Production Cast who are working with Mrs Griffin and Mrs D. Mrs Pearson's Scenery Group paints the major scenes for the Grease Production, Mr Sibley's Group make the props for the production and Mrs Nicholson's Group make the clothes for Grease.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Room 23 have created pop star websites as their music Authentic Challenge. My pop star is called Saepion, she is a famous singer. For this project our class had to complete work such as a fake Biography, Discography and filmography, also we had to complete a home page a photo gallery and CDs that the recording artist had made. To make our websites up to standard we had to look at actual pop star websites like Taylor Swift and Beyonce'. I had so much fun working on my website becuase it was a great experience.

Sophie Gill