Matariki Report
Matariki is a celebration of the Maori New Year. It’s a time to come together and celebrate the unique place where we live, New Zealand. Matariki is also a cluster of seven. Matariki is sometimes called The Seven Sisters or Pleiades. In Japan they call them Subaru and the world rally car is named after Matariki.
The Celebration
In New Zealand there are all sorts of celebrations around Matariki. Traditional Maori would put up a look out post to watch the rise of Matariki. All Matariki Celebrations are a time to share ideas and learn from each other. All these celebrations will start when the new moon is seen.
World Wide
All over the world Matariki is celebrated all different ways. In Greece there are several different temples facing Pleiades (Matariki). In Japan they call Matariki Subaru. One of the bigger celebrations is in Polynesia. In Polynesia they celebrate Matariki with kites. All Matariki kites have 6 tails. When Matariki had been risen they would know it was time to gather sea food.
The Effect
As the year moves from autumn to winter the sunrise moves north. When the sunrise meets Matariki, it starts moving south again. This effect can be seen all over the world.
Sophie Gill
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