Sunday, November 8, 2009

Google 4 Doodle

Last Term our classroom and a few students from other classes entered in the Google Doodle competition. We had to design a new logo for Google that had a New Zealand Theme. We had a vote out of all the designs in our class and sent 8 to Google. Some of the kids from the other classes sent their designs through too. Havannah Pearson of Room 33 was chosen for the Top 20 in the Year 7-8 Category. She incorporated a Marae Design behind it, for the first "o" she turned it into the Maori TV Symbol, for the "g " she turned it into a Maori Poi that has the school colors on it and the "l" represents the Green stone that her Grandad gave to her earlier this year. Well done Havannah!

Sophie Gill

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